Young Adults
We love this season of life!
We have many young adults in our region’s churches, from all different backgrounds. Some are in larger churches with lots of students, others in smaller settings where there are just a few falling into this age range.
If YOU fall into this category we are passionate about you being an integral part of church life in this season of discovery whilst you question, grow and adventure into adulthood, your work and home life.
We want to enable you to step into who you are in your faith, your discipleship life, in leadership roles and creating welcome space for your friends and communities.
We want to hear your voice and your ideas and journey with you as you explore and go deeper in your faith.
YBA Young Adult Lead, Naomi Fennell
SEEK First
A city-wide worship event for Young Adults
Sheffield Cathedral - 25 January 2025 at 7pm
The YBA has been part of this ecumenical worship night in Sheffield in recent years with regional minister Nike Adebajo helping lead 2024 event along side young young adults from Baptist churches in the region.
Day: Saturday 25 January 2025
Time: 19:00
Location: Sheffield Cathedral (Church St, Sheffield, S1 1HA)
Seek First is aiming to gathering the whole Church to Seek First the Kingdom of God through worship, communion and prayer.
Their vision is as follows “We believe the Lord is calling his church in this region to gather together to Seek Jesus; in the words of Matt 6.33 to ‘seek first the Kingdom and his righteousness…’ (Matt 6:33).
We seek to create a space, calling God’s people to be consecrated to God alone.
Our agenda is to the pursuit of the Lord; ministering in, with and to His presence in worship and prayer.”
For more information visit the Seek First website www.seekfirst.uk
Latest Young Adult News
We offer a range of internships for ‘Young Adults’ across our Churches and Church Plants.
These are exciting opportunities to explore openings and roles within the church. You can gain valuable life skills and experiences transferable to all areas of life and the workplace, and you can test out any calling to ministry.
Ministry School
Internships can be either Part-Time or Full-Time and include training and input from ‘The Deeper School of Ministry’.
The Deeper School of Ministry can also be accessed by anyone wanting to go a little deeper in their faith. www.wellsheffield.com/deeper
For more information on Internships, please watch the video and get in contact with Naomi.
Discipleship Hub
Discipleship Hub is a gathering, worship and teaching space to journey into what it is to live following Jesus today - setting our lives up well. We had our first gathering back in October at Hillsborough Baptist Church.
We aim to meet three times per year, on a Saturday. The Hub provides space to connect with other Adults, a set of worship to enable you to freely connect with God, and a teaching slot to engage with the bible, our faith and what it means for our lives in today’s culture. New dates will be posted as soon as we have them.
Discipleship Hub is aimed at anyone who is a follower of Jesus, or wanting to know more about what it is to follow Jesus and have a relationship with our God.
Join the YBA Young Adults on Instagram
Here you will find Prayer Series latest reels, and latest info on events and happenings in the region.
We recognise the importance of being able to meet other young adults - especially if you are in a smaller church - therefore, we are wanting to build spaces where you can find out what is going on throughout the region, for your age group.
Get in Touch with our YBA Young Adult Lead Naomi Fennell to find out more.
We will have opportunities for ‘international missions trips’, so do watch this space!
Church Leader?
If you are a church leader, Naomi is available to provide support and input with helping you to create space for your Young Adults. She can help with ideas for welcome, discipleship, and enabling leadership development. She can also visit your church and meet your young adults, if this is helpful.
Get in Touch with our YBA Young Adult Lead to find out more