Spiritual Reflections

It’s good to pray together, share together, encourage one another and learn together.

The YBA produces resources and reflections to encourage churches to think about Lent, Advent and other key times in our Christian calendar.

We have been blessed to hear your stories which have resulted from these shared studies.

Please feel free to adapt/update and use any of these resources.

YBA Prayer Diary 2025

Prayers for w/c 9th March 2025

Chapel Allerton Baptist Church, Leeds

Please find information for us on our website and Facebook.

chruch4u Pickering, East


It would be wonderful to have one or two more who catch the vision and can commit to being part of the core team. We intentionally keep things light on structure and, aside from regularly meeting to pray and study together, want to keep ourselves free to spend time with friends, neighbours, others in our orbit so we can build good relationships, out of which our faith can be shared.


A great start to our monthly Conversation Café on the first Sunday in the month, using a local café in the town. A place to meet people, make friends and enjoy good conversation - in light or serious vein!

One of our core team holds a weekly discipleship bible study for those new to faith. She has seen great encouragements in the way the group is growing together.

We’re a diverse core team with quite widely differing views on some things but we are closely united around the essentials, and all appreciate the strong level of prayer support for one another.

The changes we have made - And why we have made them

Prayer undergirds the work of the YBA. Prayer demonstrates our utter reliance on God and our care for one another. One of the ways we do this as a staff team and wider Baptist family, is by regularly praying for all our churches through the year using the YBA prayer diary.  Thank you to all who have been doing this faithfully or maybe even sporadically. For those who may not know, each week, a couple of our churches are featured in the prayer diary and become the focus of prayers from other churches and people across our Association. We may not know the specific needs of these churches, but we hold them in our hearts in prayer before the Lord seeking His blessing over them and their ministry.


Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we were to additionally be able to pray for the specific, expressed needs of our featured churches each week?  That is exactly what we want to do this year – to raise up the specific needs of our churches before God’s throne of grace in obedience to His word: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” (Phil 4.6). 

Ahead of their scheduled week, we are inviting our featured churches to send in a short paragraph about their contexts and/or congregation alongside a few bullet points – three or four – of specific things our YBA family could be giving thanks for or praying for them that week and possibly beyond.  This is being uploaded to the Prayer & Spiritual Reflection section of the YBA website.  If they want to include some photos that is great. (Please remember to ensure that you have appropriate permissions from the individuals in the photos for them to be used in this way.) Any church who, for any reason, is unable to send in their praise report and prayer requests, will still get prayed for.


So be on the lookout for your church’s invitation to send in your prayer points and also do check out this area of the ‘Prayer & Spiritual Reflection’ section of the website, each week, so you can pray with knowledge and specificity for the needs of our churches across Yorkshire.  We look forward to celebrating specific answered prayers as we join together in praying for our churches.

If you have any questions about the administration of the prayer diary, please click here to contact Iris Cheung.


Nike Adebajo

YBA Regional Minister