Big Life

What is Big Life?

Biglife is a Disciple Making Movement (DMM) with its roots in Asia, but seeking to serve the church around the whole world in the area of discipleship. 

The principles and related tools draw from the life and practices of Jesus and the early church, as we find them in the New Testament.


Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matt 28:18-19), and this is the challenge that lies before us today in Yorkshire, where we have the smallest percentage of church going of any county in the UK.  In Asia we have seen movements emerging over recent years that have seen dramatic growth as they apply Biblical principles in making disciples who make disciples.  In the YBA we have committed to learn from their example over the past five years in our partnership with Biglife, one of these Disciple Making Movements (DMMs) with its roots in Asia.

From October 2024 to July 2025 a group will be investing their time in a focused learning journey, taking the principles of DMMs and applying them into our varying contexts across Yorkshire. 

A key component of DMMs is that we learn by doing and so this journey is not one of simply acquiring more knowledge in our heads, but of learning as we put lessons into practice. Participants will be meeting on a monthly basis with a cohort of others to learn and then agree actions to be taken. In January 2025 the group will go on an immersive trip to India to be part of a YBA team learning from a movement in a very different context.

If you would like to know more about this, please contact Peter Dunn directly.

‘Three Thirds’

One of the simple tools that Biglife use around the world is the ‘Three Thirds’ format for their gatherings. 

Please feel free to download the simple explanation of a Three Thirds group format and suggested Bible passages

You can use this format in an existing group, start a new group, or follow the pattern as a family together. Have a go! 


Peter Dunn

Please get back to me if we can help you in any way.”