Meet the YBA Staff Team

Regional Minister Team Leader

Revd Graham Ensor

Graham oversees the work of the Association and is responsible for collaborating with YBA colleagues to identify vision, direction and appropriate strategy that encourages the growth of healthy churches throughout the Association.

Graham's responsibilities also include pastoral support of ministers/churches in Bradford and the Craven area, in the Halifax & Calder Valley and Leeds areas. He oversees safeguarding and Home Mission, as well as representing the Association at national level.

Regional Minister

Revd Dr Alex Harris

Alex has specific responsibilities for pioneering ministry and church planting. Alex's role is to catalyse being healthy churches, working together to see new mission ventures and new churches birthed. Alex works with individuals and churches helping start new churches, as well as working to establish accessible and excellent training and relationships that empower those called to pioneer and plant in Yorkshire.

As an integral part of this Alex is planting a new Baptist church as part of our Association. Alex represents pioneering and planting at a national level including the Firestarter network. He is also Director of Baptist Church Planting with St Hild College. His doctoral studies were in Church Planting in post-Christendom Europe.

Regional Minister

Revd Dr Nike Adebajo

Nike has responsibility for churches in South Yorkshire and Huddersfield. She leads on justice issues in the Association, including Project Violet.

In addition to her YBA Regional Ministry role, Nike is leading the first year of the Baptist Formation programme at the St Hild Centre for Baptist Ministry.

Nike is a co-instigator of Sheffield Leaders in Prayer and is a facilitator for BUGB’s Just Aware justice training resource. She has also served as a YBA trustee.

Trust Officer

Revd Ann Chesworth

Ann supports and assists churches in legal, governance and property matters. Ann's role includes signposting and directing people to appropriate contacts for support, and also being the first point of contact for churches on Trust issues.

Ann facilitates work through the YBA Trust Group. She is also minister at Harrogate Baptist Church.

Young Adult Lead

Naomi Fennell

Naomi is our Young Adults Lead. She works with local churches in developing young leaders and fulfilling our YBA priority of growing missional leaders!

Discipleship Enabler

Revd Peter Dunn

Peter networks churches together who want to experiment with Disciple Making Movement principles.

He connects people together who are passionate to church plant by adopting Biglife Ministries values.

Finance Officer

Hannah Harris

Hannah deals with all administrative finance matters. She works closely with our Treasurer; supports the work of the Finance Group; and administers custodian funds for member churches. 

Administration Lead

Debbie Gamble

Debbie provides PA/admin support to the Association and to Team Leader, Graham; supports and facilitates our Executive and working groups; is first point of contact for Data Protection and Safeguarding matters; and generally keeps the admin wheels turning, working alongside Iris and Molly.


Iris Cheung

Iris works on several areas of administrative support, including our safeguarding training and prayer. She also provides support to Regional Minister, Nike.


Molawa Ogundeji

Molawa joined the team in 2025 and works on several areas of administrative support including grants and communications. She also provides support to Regional Minister, Alex.