YBA Trustees & How Our Groups Work Together
The YBA Trustees
The YBA Executive has up to seven elected trustees who are church representatives and up to seven co-opted trustees. Trustees of the Association also act as directors of the company limited by guarantee.
The Regional Ministers and the Association Administrator attend in an advisory, non-voting capacity. The Executive Group is led by the Executive Chair and Vice-Chair, and the Chair of each subgroup (Finance, Ministry and Trust) and the Treasurer are co-opted trustees.
The Executive meets a minimum of five times per year. Several of the trustees attend other YBA groups or contribute in other ways to the life of the Association – for example, providing leadership on safeguarding, risk, staffing or other issues.
Trustees are the people responsible for the governance, management and administration of the YBA.
They are
Kevin Quinton
I served as Vice-Chair to Liz Allen, who stepped down at the end of 2021 and was invited to become Transitional Chair at that point. I have served as a YBA Trustee since 2015 and am a member of St Thomas Crookes Church in Sheffield. I understand the journey the YBA has been on in discerning new priorities and aim to provide stability in the midst of much change.
Dean Thorpe
I am a member of the Well Baptist Church, Sheffield, and have been YBA Treasurer since January 2015. My areas of specific knowledge and expertise include finance, goal-setting and planning. I joined the financial services industry straight from college, beginning my career at Scottish Amicable (this is now part of Prudential). I then joined my father’s insurance brokerage before going into business myself in 1999. I am Executive Director of Charles James Financial Planning. I am a member of the Baptist Pension Scheme (BPS) Employer’s Group and the Baptist Pension Scheme Investment Committee. I have been a CVM Trustee (formerly Baptist Men’s Movement) since 2008.
My attitude to church and community roles is one of need and skill. In business I have a great team, meet with clients and speak or present to large groups whilst overseeing funds under influence of significant value. The skills and gifts we have been given should never be limited to the business or secular world especially when there is a need to be filled. I am keen to continually review how we can make the best use of stewarding the resources that are under our responsibility. Whether it is a small local church or a significant national Baptist Family challenge, the aim is to attempt to move things forward for the better.
Other Trustees
Kenny Brown
John Crosse
Charlotte Henard
Gill Knowles
Joe Kapolyo
How our groups work together
Responsibilities for governance of the YBA are carried out through the Executive Group and the three sub-groups (Ministry, Trust and Finance) that report and are accountable to it.
Executive Group
The key decision-making body acting on behalf of the YBA churches
All major strategic decisions relating to the work of the Association are taken by the Executive. This includes major issues referred from the sub-groups. While these groups deal with detailed matters, it is the Executive which keeps the overview and focus of the Association.
The Executive's key tasks include:
Maintaining the aims and developing the strategies of the YBA;
Setting policies and reviewing the practice of the YBA in terms of Ministry and Mission;
Setting policies and reviewing the practice of the YBA Trust Corporation as managed by the Trust Group;
Maintaining the financial practice of the Association through setting budgets and approving accounts;
Supporting and resourcing YBA staff and volunteers to carry out their functions, roles and responsibilities
Undertaking representation and partnership with the Baptist Union of Great Britain, St Hild College, BMS World Mission and other recognised bodies.
Ministry Group
The Ministry Group has overall responsibility for:
Interviewing candidates for ministry, both lay and ordained;
Reviewing the development of Newly Accredited Ministers (NAMs);
The ongoing support and encouragement of ministers and pastors;
Developing training for ministers and pastors;
Encouraging healthy relationships in our churches.
Trust Group
The Trust Group manages the trusteeship affairs and properties of the Association along with our Trust Officer, Revd Ann Chesworth. The Trust Group provides advice and expertise to local churches on matters relating to trust deeds, church constitutions and rules, membership, property and legal concerns.
Finance Group
The YBA Finance Group oversees the Association's financial matters on behalf of the Executive, ensuring that matters of YBA finance are properly considered and managed. Part of this is the YBA Grants Group which as a task group of the Finance Group meets to consider applications for grant support from YBA member churches and ministers.
Meet the Team