Ordination - South Ossett Baptist Church
South Ossett Baptist Church recently celebrated the ordination of Tracy Shields as Community Minister following her completion of her time as a 'Minister in Training'.
Tracy shares the following about this fantastic event: “Rain did not stop play – although the four-day downpour did move us into the Community Centre rather than being outside in the park! But what a celebration we had! The appalling summer weather in no way dampened our worship – and surprisingly the roof is still on the community centre!!”
Here are a few messages, mainly from the many non-Christian families who attended:
“The ordination was a fabulous community event full of love and joy, where all were made to feel welcome 🥰”
"A perfect tribute to the amazing minister, leader and friend that Tracy is to everyone who knows her" ❤️
“It embraced a community celebration that God had been at work and would continue to be and all ages could be part of it.”
The love of God and His joy was tangible throughout the service itself, which came to an end as the fellowship and wider community presented Tracy with one of their many gifts to her: a video akin to ‘Child’s Play’. Many of the children and families involved easily answered the question – “What does Tracy do?” Answers had a common theme: “We like her lasagne”, “She tells us about God” and “She gives us biscuits”!
In this way our ‘Lasagne, God and Biscuit’ evenings were born. We have hosted two of these meals now, with a further two planned for the future. These evenings provide an excellent opportunity to talk openly about faith and how we, as a church, can help people understand more about God – as well as enjoying the much coveted lasagne and biscuits 😊!
“The openness, honesty, and depth of some of the discussions has been absolutely wonderful” said Tracy, after hosting the second evening this week. “It’s great that I now know where my ministry lies, allowing me to continue loving those God has brought me into contact with”.
YBA Regional Minister - Kez Robinson, with Tracy Shields