A warm welcome from the
The Yorkshire Baptist Association
Making disciples by multiplying healthy churches across Yorkshire, through
⛪ Planting
💧 Revitalising
💡 Reimagining
Save the date!
The countdown to the YBA Assembly and AGM is on! Save the date and look out for more details coming soon!
28 June 2025 - Venue TBC
Pioneering & Planting
Have you considered what pioneering and church planting really means in our communities?
With new churches being planted in Yorkshire, with baptisms and testimonies of lives transformed, hope is in the air across the region.
Resources & Help
The YBA help Baptist Churches across the region in a multitude of ways.
Visit the ‘Resources’ section or ‘How We Help’ from the navigation pane to find the support you need.
Latest News
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Contact Us
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Yorkshire Baptist Association
17-19 York Place
Office Hours
Monday to Thursday